
workin', fixin', chillin' - it's friday!

Kategori: Allmänt

well, now it is actually saturday, I suppose. I have been at Linda's place fixing my nails today, and I am REALLY happy with the resoult(since I now got some fresh-looking nails compared to the non-nail looking things I had before). I started working at 7 o'klock this morgning so i was really tired when I got home. Mum and dad had bought us some seafood and after that i just fell into the couch and decided i wanted to see a movie. Well, good choice if I can say it, I saw "Love & other drugs" and in my opinion, it was fantastic. Jake Gyllenhaal is probably the most handsome man I have ever seen. Now I can go to sleep in a good mood. Well, I do not actually know why I wrote this in english, but I have sort of spoken it the entire day so I guess it just came out naturally. Peace & Love (WOHOHOOOO), Good night.

I look fucked up, my hair looks green and my face is as unserious as it can get. BUT, this is my new ring and my newly made nails, and i love them! Kisses


  • Mia säger:

    Men det är ju för att du tänkte på mej såklart :) <3

    2011-02-23 | 07:04:24
    Bloggadress: http://miaskattberg.blogg.se/
  • svar säger:

    haha, jaaa såklart! ;D<3

    2011-02-23 | 12:18:59

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